Mon, 3 July 2006
Turns out that I had to help the family with some computer issues, so episode zero didn't quite get off the ground yesterday. But, hey, this gives us some time to get to know each other. My name is Marc, and... well... I'm a geek. It took me some time to realize that fact because I'd spent so many years thinking of it as a negative term that I just couldn't bring myself to embrace it. But then I took a look around and realized that I fit the profile. I love all things fantasy and sci-fi. I'm a total technophile (gotta have the latest gadgets... at least, as soon as I can afford them). I've been using the Internet since before the Web. And then I started hearing more and more geeks coming out of the closet. Hollywood and the TV networks started producing geek-friendly content (and realizing that they could make money from it). In short, we began entering a Geek Renaissance. So now I find myself being quickly buried under an avalanche of cool, geeky media; books, movies, TV series, websites, you name it! Problem is that with a 9-5 job, a fiancé, and a lot of other demands on my time, I'm quickly losing ground. I've already missed a lot of great sci-fi over the years, and it's starting to look like I'll never catch up. Now, I invite you to come along with me as I start the long voyage to embrace my geekdom. Along the way I'll tell you about cool geek media and toys that I discover (some new, some embarrassingly old) and let you know which ones I think might be worth your time. You can also expect some occasional essays, maybe even some by guest contributors if I can ask sweetly enough. And if I really hone my begging skills, we might even have an interview here and there. I think this will be a lot of fun, and I hope you can come along for the ride. Drop me a line at or leave a voicemail at 501-642-4863 if you have any ideas, complaints, compliments, or just feel like shooting the breeze. See you on episode zero! Hurdy gur, -Marc
-- posted at: 4:12pm EST