Thu, 27 September 2007
The first week of new shows is halfway done. Here are my thoughts about Wednesday's new show, The Bionic Woman. Not much to say here, I think I've said it all in the 'cast, but here are links to the things I talk about...
No show tomorrow (I explain in the audio) but I'll see you back here this weekend. Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Thu, 27 September 2007
It's the second mini-cast! Very brief shownotes for this one. Getting late and if I don't get to bed soon then tomorrow's 'cast will be ten minutes of me snoring.
With background music.
Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Tue, 25 September 2007
Back again already? I guess this must be the first of the mini-casts in which I discuss my first impressions of the season's new geeky shows. This episode I talk about Monday night (henceforth to be known as NBC-night).
Here's the lineup: Check back again tomorrow for first impressions of Reaper. See you then! Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Mon, 24 September 2007
Welcome back again, wolfpack! This is the introduction to the second season of Grailwolf's Geek Life. Primarily this episode is just an explanation of how things are going to work for the next couple weeks.
The new TV season starts on Monday, 09/24, and we'll be producing a whole string of mini-episodes to discuss all the new genre programming. Keep an eye out for those starting in the next couple days. Links:
Hurdy gur, -Marc |