Grailwolf's Geek Life (podcasts)
Tales of the Geek Renaissance




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This past weekend we got fantasy author Paulette Jaxton to sit down with us as we talked about the Dreamworks animated film How To Train Your Dragon, which just came out on DVD and Blu Ray. This was an experiment with using the H2 to record away from the computer and, honestly, the results are mixed. A bit too much echo and I didn't have the same kind of control that I usually have over the sound floor. So, I left this one a bit rough and edgy from a technical standpoint, but we had a fun conversation. 

As usual, there are very few spoilers in the beginning and we warn you before we get spoilery, so you can listen even if you haven't seen the movie. Enjoy!

Hurdy gur,


Direct download: GGL038.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

In this episode Heather joins me to discuss the 2010 remake of The Wolfman, and the Grailpup makes his first podcasting appearance.

Direct download: GGL037.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:52am EST

We're back! New episodes will begin soon. In this little test episode I just explain what's going on and set the stage for what's coming. Hope you'll join me!

Hurdy gur,


Direct download: GGL036.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 3:45am EST

Very lazy shownotes.
Paul and Martha of the ADD Cast (and the Balticon Podcast, and all of Dancing Cat Studios other projects) hang out with Heather and I at the Grailcave to discuss parenthood, beer, and other geeky goodness. Enjoy the podcast premiere of Darth BonBon, and we'll get back to the regular episodes very, very soon.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL035.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:05pm EST

At last, it's the Incredible Hulk geekout!
This is the same discussion that has already been run on the ADD Cast a few months ago, so if you have heard that episode, you do not need to download this episode (unless you want to hear our 15 minute intro).

We start out talking about the movie (and the DVD) in totally non-spoiler mode. Then there are minor spoilers as we discuss the deleted scenes. Finally, we completely spoil the alternate opening and talk about what is hidden in the ice...

The bulk of the episode is a discussion of the film recorded just after seeing it on opening day. Heather and I are joined by Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway, Thomas "Command Line" Gideon , Andrea, John Cmar, Sci-Fi Laura, Greg Wright, and the Command Line Canines. Many thanks to Thomas for opening Bit Bucket Labs to us, and letting us use his equipment (and drink his beer).

Hope you enjoy the discussion. And if you want to pick up the DVD, check out the Grailwolf's Geek Store by going to and clicking on the link at the left. Then click "New On DVD" and the date October 21st, 2008. All three versions of the DVD are listed at the top of that page.

Let us know what you think of the movie, and the DVD.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL034.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:22am EST

We're still sick (again) but we're not going to let that stop us from telling you about the rest of the Fall shows that we're watching.

Well... actually we will, because we forgot to talk about Life On Mars, but we give it the ol' college try.

Anyway Heather and I share our opinions about these shows:
Then we give a brief Grailpup update and discuss tomorrow's episode and the release of The Incredible Hulk on DVD.

Send us an email ( or call the voicemail line (240-256-7525) and let us know whether you agree, disagree, or have a good recipe for chicken soup.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL033.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Tonight I'm alone on mic (mostly) because Heather is feeling poorly. I talk about:
  1. An advance preview of the second season premiere of Chuck.
  2. Last week's premiere of Heroes
    1. TJ Aman chimes in
  3.  I announce my participation in the LLS Light The Night event. If you can give, please click here.
  4. The Grailwolf's Geek Store is open, in beta. Check it out and let me know what you think. What would you like to see? (no link, to avoid inappropriate advertising on other sites, just go to the main podcast site).
Direct download: GGL032.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

This episode we jump right into the new Fall season.
First up, we discuss the new HBO series True Blood including the the extra advertising that HBO has done such as the site. Very cool stuff.
Next it's the season premiere of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox.
Finally we geek out about the new JJ Abrams series Fringe.

Then, somehow, we get into Craig Ferguson, Dollhouse, Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris, Dr. Horrible, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Peter S. Beagle, and The Last Unicorn. Please note that we mention that The Last Unicorn DVD is signed (and the link above is for the signed version), but all links on the Conlan Press site currently go to the unsigned version. It could be an error on the site, or it could be that Peter is not currently signing them. I'll try to figure this out and give an update later.

The Pseudopod story that Heather read (and we couldn't remember) is called The Exhibition. She also has a story coming soon on the fantasy podcast Podcastle and has recently read the story Longing for Langalana for Interzone Magazine's podcast Transmissions From Beyond.
Man, I really need to get a blogroll going...

Oh, I also mention that Doug Rapson put up a video edition of his Geek Acres podcast.

Then we have a very special announcement. Which is very special. And we announce it.

Hope you like the episode. Drop us some comments (here, or at, or via voicemail at 240-256-7525) and let us know what you think.

Keep an ear out for that Middleman-centric episode coming soon!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL031.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:56am EST

Okay, guys, there are some weird problems with the audio in this one. It only happens about three or four times and mostly it's pretty short.

Other than that, we take a few minutes to talk about our move to Maryland and then we get into your feedback!

We hear from these listeners:
  1.  Our good friends Tjaman
  2. and Paul Fischer from the ADD Cast and the Balticon Podcast
  3. and Kev (PilotofSerenity on
  4. and AuntArlene
  5. user SMGslayer97
  6. user RosAzzo
  7. comments by Pick Jr.
  8. Chooch from Into the Blender and the COH Podcast
  9. and Doug Rapson from the Geek Acres podcast and the Gutcheck cast
And we go off on tangents about everything from The Middleman to Rita Kempley.

Hope to talk to you again soon with a bit more planning and a more cooperative computer.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL030.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:43pm EST

At long last, it is part two of the mega-geekout with Tee Morris. Here we discuss the upcoming movies that we saw previewed before Iron Man. Enjoy, and hope this gets you excited for the summer of fun we have before us!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL029.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 1:17am EST

This episode we discuss the TV upfronts. All the shows we discuss can be found here at I'll provide individual links as the list trims down and/or more info becomes available.
We also talk about Balticon and all the wonderful folks we hung out with there. We'll be highlighting one or more person in most episodes from here out, and though we mention Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway, and Mur Lafferty, our spotlight for this episode shines on Doug Rapson from the Geek Acres podcast.

Hope you enjoy the discussion!
Hurdy gur,

PS: We also mention, briefly, the Serenity screenings being held as a part of the Can't Stop the Serenity event. Please visit their site and support this worthy event.
Direct download: GGL028.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:17pm EST

Another uber-long geekout at Imagine That Studios with Tee Morris. This time we're discussing the first big movie of the summer... Iron Man. We start with my spoiler-free review, and then go into spoilers aplenty, so be warned. We go on to talk about the trailers we saw and the movies that will be coming this summer, but that will be the next episode of the GGL. For now, I hope you have as much fun listening to this as we had recording it. Hurdy gur, -Marc
Direct download: GGL027.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

In this episode I discuss sick days, TV news, and an important birthday.

Too many shows mentioned for me to list them all, but we should be back to the usual shownotes next time.

Or... maybe the time after that.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL026_-_TV_Speculation_and_Welcome_Rowan.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:27pm EST

Welcome to the grand experiment that is the first Grailwolf's Geekout. I explain in the intro, but basically these will show up every 2-4 weeks, or when there are things to geek out about. In this case, Heather and I go to Imagine That! Studios to Geek Out with Tee Morris about the first episode of the new season of Battlestar Galactica.
Yes, Virginia, there are spoilers, so please beware if you have not seen the episode. Of course, we spend so much time talking about things other than BSG that you may not have to worry all that much. Your call.

Hope you enjoy the banter, and let me know what you think!
Hurdy gur,

PS: Yes, I am aware of two flaws in this episode. First, it's frakking huge. Second, there are some audio glitches in the intro. Well, unfortunately I'm still transitioning from the PC to the Mac, and the PC is giving me a lot of trouble when I try to record.

PPS: I also want to apologize for the show going up so late (I originally promised it for Thursday night) but our Internet is only allowing sporadic access, so uploading files is a major undertaking. If this causes any other problems with the file, please let me know.
Direct download: GGL025_-_Tee_Morris_and_the_Great_Galactica_Geekout.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:52pm EST

Some lazy shownotes tonight.
Click here for the GGL Google Calendar.
In this episode I talk about the end of the HD DVD/Blu-Ray format war, some of the new DVDs that have come out lately (check the calendar), a promo for the Chasing the Bard podcast novel, and then a review of the new show New Amsterdam.

And check back in a day or two for the review of the first episode of the new season of Battlestar Galactica.

Hurdy gur,

Direct download: GGL024_-_New_Amsterdam_and_the_Format_War.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:59pm EST

GGL023 - DVD Releases and Listener Feedback At last, it's the Listener Appreciation Special!
But first... Grailwolf's Geek Life now has a Google Calendar. Click here if you want to see the calendar in your browser. Click here for the XML address, and click here (or, better yet, just copy the link) for the iCal address.
Then we discuss new DVD releases for this Tuesday:
Beowulf (DVD, Unrated Director's Cut, and HD DVD)
30 Days of Night (DVD and Blu-Ray)
Justice League: The New Frontier
Ghost Hunters: Season 3, Part 2
Highlander: The Source

Promo: Podcast Junky / On The Podcast

Voicemail from Choochus (COH Podcast / Into The Blender)
Listener Emails (Lily Von, Jindai)
Shoutout to Doug from Geek Acres

Promo: Chasing The Bard

Medium review by TJ Aman

Enjoy, and keep the emails and voicemails coming!

Hurdy gur,

(NOTE: There are some persistent audio problems in this episode. They apparently occurred during recording, so there was nothing I could do about it. Sorry, but we'll try to keep it from happening next time.)
Direct download: GGL023.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:37pm EST

GGL022 - Elder Gods and Judgment Day After a little discussion of why the show is late, we jump into a review of the DVD title The Call of Cthulhu, produced by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society. Then a new promo for Mur Lafferty's podcast novel Playing For Keeps (performed by Podcasting's Rich Sigfrit, and yes I do know that there's an editing error in the promo). Finally, a discussion of the new TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles and then the song Superhero by Anthony Stauffer and Holy Smoke (not the song My Secret Origin by Ookla the Mok, which you can find at CD Baby and on Stories of the Third Wave, episode 6).

Many apologies to T.J. and the other listeners who sent in feedback and content. There will be a listener appreciation show very soon. Promise.

Hurdy gur,

PS: The song Superhero is occasionally used as an outro for the Heroes podcast The 9th, not The Ninth Wonder, as I said in the podcast. My bad. :)
Direct download: GGL022.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:16pm EST

GGL021 - Cloverfield, Fido, and Dragon Wars Super-lazy Shownotes!!!!

On this episode I discuss Cloverfield (also see our other, more spoilery review on the ADD Cast feed). Then we have a promo for Christiana Ellis' new audio drama Space Casey. Finally, I talk about Fido and Dragon Wars on DVD.

Keep checking back, because a new episode should be up really soon!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL021.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:52pm EST

GGL020 - Mur Lafferty & Other Awesomeness This time we start out talking a bit about the TV shows we may see in early 2008 including Lost (1/31), Jericho (2/12), Medium (1/7), Torchwood (1/26), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles (1/13 & 1/14), and New Amsterdam (2/22).
- Then we discuss Mur Lafferty and her new podcast novel Playing For Keeps. Definitely check that one out along with Mur's other projects, which can all be found from her official website.
The short story Barry Coleman: Hero can be found on as a part of the compilation Voices: New Media Fiction.
- Check out Xander and his brilliant Twitterfic on
- Morevi, the first ever podcast novel, is being released again as Morevi Remastered. Must. Listen.
- I talk about the Kindle, from, and what it may mean to us as readers. Click here if you decide you want to buy it. Can't say I really recommend it though. I'll have to see where they go with the design.
- Finally, I have to report the untimely death of the HOWL line. I'll let you know as soon as we have a new voicemail line up & running

Hope you enjoy the episode and have a great holiday!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL020.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:56am EST

GGL019 - The Dollhouse, MA, Fall TV Roundup It's late, so we introduce a new GGL feature... Lazy shownotes!
  1. Quick, snarky shout out to Doug from Geek Acres
  2. Some talk about the new Joss Whedon show, The Dollhouse
  3. Brief discussion of the WGA writer strike
  4. My Twitter page. You have been warned.
  5. Promo for Mur Lafferty's Heaven series
  6. Long, but very fun, conversation with MA in Pa from the Better Late Than Never podcast
New show should be up far more rapidly than this one was. Until then...

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL019.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:33am EST

GGL018 - Smallville, Ghost Whisperer, and Moonlight In this fourth mini-cast, we talk briefly about the returning shows Smallville and Ghost Whisperer, and then we get into a more detailed discussion of the new vampire series Moonlight. This is being done just before the Monday shows come on, so here's just a quick list of links to the things I talk about in this episode:
  1. Smallville
  2. Ghost Whisperer
    1. Jennifer Love Hewitt
    2. Jay Mohr
  3. Moonlight
    1. Angel
    2. Alex O'Loughlin
    3. Jason Dohring
    4. Sophia Myles
    5. Rudolf Martin
Now I have to go watch some TV. And, come to think of it, so do you!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL018.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:47pm EST

GGL017 - The Bionic Woman The first week of new shows is halfway done. Here are my thoughts about Wednesday's new show, The Bionic Woman. Not much to say here, I think I've said it all in the 'cast, but here are links to the things I talk about...
  1. The Bionic Woman
    1. Katee Sackhoff
    2. Miguel Ferrer
    3. Mark Sheppard
    4. David Eick
      1. Battlestar Galactica
No show tomorrow (I explain in the audio) but I'll see you back here this weekend.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL017.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:58pm EST

GGL016 - Reaper, Torchwood It's the second mini-cast! Very brief shownotes for this one. Getting late and if I don't get to bed soon then tomorrow's 'cast will be ten minutes of me snoring.
With background music.

  1. Reaper
    1. Bret Harrison
    2. Tyler Labine
    3. Missy Peregrym
    4. Ray Wise
  2. Terry Aman
  3. Torchwood
  4. Better Late Than Never podcast
  5. Twin Peaks - The Definitive Gold Box Edition (Seasons 1 & 2, Pilot)
And now I have to run. Be excellent to each other!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL016.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:12am EST

GGL015 - Chuck, Heroes, Journeyman Back again already? I guess this must be the first of the mini-casts in which I discuss my first impressions of the season's new geeky shows. This episode I talk about Monday night (henceforth to be known as NBC-night).
Here's the lineup:
  1. Chuck
    1. Zachary Levi
    2. Yvonne Strzechowski
    3. Adam Baldwin
  2. Heroes
  3. Journeyman
Check back again tomorrow for first impressions of Reaper.
See you then!
Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGL015.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:48pm EST

GGL014 - Grailwolf's Geek Life Season 2 Welcome back again, wolfpack! This is the introduction to the second season of Grailwolf's Geek Life. Primarily this episode is just an explanation of how things are going to work for the next couple weeks.
The new TV season starts on Monday, 09/24, and we'll be producing a whole string of mini-episodes to discuss all the new genre programming. Keep an eye out for those starting in the next couple days.
  1. Serenity (Collector's Edition) at
  2. Promo for Brave Men Run by Matthew Wayne Selznick (available at and
  3. Send in questions for "Correct Me If I'm Wrong" to heather.welliver at gmail, the grailwolf at gmail, or the howl line (206-222-HOWL)
Now settle in for an extra helping of geeky TV!
Hurdy gur,

Direct download: ggl014.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 6:15pm EST

Grailwolf's Geek Life Tribute to Joe Murphy

Joseph Murphy
1972 - 2007

There will be no regular episode of Grailwolf's Geek Life this week. Instead, I ask you to join me in marking the passing of a wonderful and warm human being. This feed contains a brief intro for the regular listeners of the GGL, a promo for the Joe Murphy Memorial Fund, and then the entire Joe Murphy Tribute produced by Evo Terra, Michael R. Mennenga, Mur Lafferty, and the rest of the Farpoint Media family.  Many thanks to Mur for organizing this amazing tribute, and to Evo Terra for granting me permission to include it in my feed.

Show links:
  1. The Joe Murphy Memorial Fund has been established to defray some of the costs of Joe's care and the expenses incurred by his family. The remainder will be going to Hospice and to research into leiomyosarcoma carcinoma.
  2. For another touching tribute to Joe, check out Jack Mangan's Deadpan Podcast, Episode #53. While you're there, check out the rest of the episodes too. Jack is a great guy and a very funny podcaster. At least, under normal circumstances.
  3. The music for the Memorial Fund promo was provided by the funny and talented George Hrab. It was amazing of him to give his work so freely, and I hope that he gets some song downloads out of it, at the very least.
  4. Check out this page of tributes to Joe. I especially love the image of Joe and Cap.
DISCLAIMER: I promised Evo that I would not alter the tribute in any way, so I left the Farpoint I.D. intact at the beginning and end. Please be aware that I am not affiliated with Farpoint Media and that they are in no way responsible for any of the content which I produced in this feed.

There will be another regular episode of the GGL very soon, so keep checking back.  Meanwhile, I urge you to download this file and get to know Joe.

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: GGLJoeTribute.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:28pm EST

Welcome back Wolfpack!!!  So, funny thing happens to me today. I sit down to do a quick podcast, just to let you know that I'm back, and what happens?  Longest. Show. Ever.

So no more chatter and right into the notes.  We'll have a chance to catch up later. :)

  1. GGL Lightning Round
    1. Buffy Season 8 Comic Books
    2. Mini Reviews:
      1. Blood and Chocolate
      2. Bridge to Terabithia
      3. Ghost Rider
      4. 300
      5. The Dresden Files
      6. Blood Ties
    3. Cool Stuff to do Part 1: TD0013 and the MS Walk
    4. TD0013 Promo
    5. New bumper!
    6. What's been going on with us?
      1. Farpoint Convention
      2. ADD Cast guest spot
      3. Balticon
      4. The Shillas on MySpace and the Podsafe Music Network
    7. Cool Stuff to do Part 2: Donate to Joe Murphy
      1. Please note that this is the Wingin' It homepage, not the Slice of SciFi page like I said in the podcast
    8. Billibub Baddings Promo
    9. ADD Cast Promo
    10. Why so long between podcasts?
    11. Cool Stuff to do Part 3
      1. Bumrush The Charts
      2. Buy Ancestor at Amazon on 4/1/07
    12. Ancestor Promo
    13. Mine Again by Black Lab
So that's about it for this installment.  We'll be back again a whole lot sooner this time! Promise!

Hurdy gur,
Direct download: ggl013.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:30am EST

GGL012 - Geeky Holidays! This is a short episode, light on news, just to say Happy Holidays and to thank you all for the support we've gotten this year.  You guys rock!

  1. Brief mention of the upcoming Heroes marathons
  2. Battlestar Galactica will be moving to Sunday nights on SciFi (and will soon be joined by The Dresden Files)
  3. Christmas is Interesting by Jonathan Coulton
  4. Holiday thank-yous from SappyWolf... I mean Grailwolf.
Holly Hippo-days, everyone!
Hurdy gur,
Direct download: ggl012.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 2:55pm EST

GGL011 - GGL Unplugged #2

This was a rough episode due to time constraints and a total lack of notes...  Sorry. :)

  1.  Heather and I talk about the 2006 Video Game Awards on Spike TV (12/13/06 at 10PM)
  2.  Guest reviewer TJAman gives a preview of the new SciFi Channel mini-series The Lost Room
  3. Promo for Undead America - a new Buffyverse podcast
  4. Some thoughts about the upcoming film Eragon
  5. A tag-team review of the film Tristan & Isolde
  6. Promo for the new Tee Morris podcast (coming soon)
  7. Heather discusses Save Our Science (main site, petition)
  8. Jonathan Coulton's song Chiron Beta Prime
As always, I hope you enjoyed the show.  We'll be back next week with a little more prep time and polish, so until then...

Hurdy gur,
Marc (and Heather)
Direct download: ggl011.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:40pm EST

We cover a lot of ground in this one, and I still don't feel like I've made up for lost time...

  1. I talk about why it's been so long since the last episode
  2. Marvel Comics announces new Moon Knight TV show.
  3. More news on The Dresden Files.  Check out the official site.
  4. Tales From The 'Verse promo
  5. Request for help with the podcast
  6. Thanks and welcome to all the new listeners
  7. Harry Potter news: Here's the link to the movie poster, and here's the official site for the new film
  8. Possible farewell to Emma Watson?
  9. Ghost Rider news
  10. JC Hutchins' 7th Son Podcast novel promo.  Check out JC and
  11. More discussion about 7th Son and Nathan Fillion
  12. News about Universal vs 11thHour
  13. Some words about the future
  14. Howard Jones performs "Building Our Own Future"  Check out his home site and find the track on
  15. Info about the UK Hitmakers Tour featuring Howard Jones, ABC, and Toyah

As always, I'd love to hear any feedback.  Catch me at, leave comments at, or call in a voicemail at 206-222-HOWL.

Hope you enjoyed the show!

Hurdy gur,


Direct download: ggl010.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 7:50pm EST

Better late than never!  At last we have the Halloween edition (insert spooky laughter here).

  1. Preview of the Ghost Hunters live Halloween event
  2. Review of Xombie (
  3. Promo: The Ninth (
  4. Movie review: Monster Squad
  5. Promo: 7th Son Book Two: Deceit (
  6. Comic review: Impaler (
  7. Essay: "Boo!"

Thanks for listening, be sure to drop a line and let me know what you think.  Have a happy Halloween and a blessed Samhain.

Hurdy gur!


Direct download: ggl009.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:20pm EST

This episode we reboot the GGL with a brand-spankin' new theme song!

  1. Review of The Illusionist
  2. Preview of White Noise 2: The Light
  3. The Bionic Woman is coming back to TV
  4. TJ reviews Dr Who, second season
  5. TJ reviews 1 vs. 100
  6. Mini-rant, "**** Censorship"
Direct download: ggl008.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:53pm EST

  1. First I suffer through a review of Alone in the Dark.
  2. Updated review of Heroes
  3. Review of Jericho
  4. Preview of Sci-Fi Fridays
  5. Brief preview of The Prestige
  6. Guest review of Veronica Mars by TJAman
  7. A little essay I call "Why?"

This is a little different than previous podcasts, and I hope you like it.  Forgive me some hems and haws while I try to sort out the audio quality and live on three hours of sleep a night simultaneously. :)

As always, let me know what you think, good bad and indifferent.  I always love to hear from you.

Hurdy gur,



Direct download: ggl007.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 12:35am EST

This is a long episode!  If you don't have an mp3 player, you may want to listen to this one in chunks.  But don't put it off!  Important stuff in here for all geeks, especially fans of Joss Whedon and Serenity!

As promised, here are a few links from the show:

  1. Mur Lafferty's article in The Escapist
  2. The official "The Covenant" site
  3. Official "Heroes" site
  4. "Heroes" guide on

Finally, I can't link directly to the IMDB discussion about Serenity, because one must be logged in to the site in order to use the message board.  So here is the link to the main IMDB Serenity page.  Just go to the bottom of the page and you'll see the links to the message boards.

Check back tomorrow, I'll post a blog with links to some of the better "Serenity" and "Firefly" merchandise.

Hurdy gur,


Direct download: ggl006.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:17pm EST

This is the first Grailwolf's Geek Life listener appreciation special.  Yup, this one is all about you.

Since this was mostly your content, there are very few links this week.  However, I have to report that I was wrong, and that The Shillas MySpace page doesn't seem to come up when you search for their name.  Crazy, huh?  Just go straight to or go to my MySpace and look at my top eight.

And, as always, check out for the rest of the music by our favorite geeky song-spinner.

Enjoy, and hurdy gur!


Direct download: ggl005.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:22pm EST

Still recovering from some technical difficulties, but we're up & howling.  Here's what I promised I'd link to:

  1. Screenshots of Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
  2. Whedonesque article that mentions Wonder Woman
  3. Watch the first three minutes of The Covenant

The following links are the dvds that I mentioned in the podcast as coming out this week and next.  I'm an Amazon Associate now, so if you're interested in any of the following titles, buying them from one of these links helps me out (a tiny, tiny bit, but every little bit helps!). Also, if you're not interested in any of these, using the search bar on the left of the page to find stuff you do want helps me out too. 

Either way, enjoy!

Hurdy gur,



Direct download: ggl004.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:51pm EST

GGL Unplugged #1: Snakes on a Plane

This is an unrehearsed, unplugged review of the movie Snakes on a Plane.  For this outing, I brought along my lovely co-host Heather and we had a lot of fun. I hope you'll have as much fun listening.  Let me know what you think!


Snakes on a Plane music video on YouTube

Episode of the podcast "Slice of Scifi" with interview of SoaP snake wrangler, Jules Sylvester

If you have any feedback, leave a comment here or call the brand-spankin-new voicemail line at 206-222-HOWL (206-222-4695).  Hope you enjoy this little experiment!

Hurdy gur,


Direct download: gglspecial1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:58pm EST

This is a special All Superhero edition of Grailwolf's Geek Life.

But first, we discuss a little Snakes on a Plane...

Way too much to list, but here's what I promised would be here:

  1. Sound clip of interview with Dominic Purcell about the new Hulk movie.  Click here
  2. Plot spoilers for Hellboy 2 at Ain't it Cool News.  Click here
  3. Official Ghost Rider movie site.  Click here

As always, the email is, you can leave feedback here at or at (it'd be nice to find some here; hint, hint... ;) ) and you can call the voicemail line at 501-642-4863.  See ya next week!

Hurdy gur!


Direct download: Grailwolfs_Geek_Life__Show_3.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:48pm EST

TV: New season starts now

Announcements about:

  1. Three Moons Over Milford
  2. Prison Break
  3. Bones
  4. Heroes
  5. Aquaman
  6. Doctor Who
  7. Battlestar Galactica
  8. Ghost Hunters


  1. The Descent
  2. Zoom
  3. Pulse
  4. Snakes On A Plane


Jonathan Coulton (check out his site here)

Song: The Future Soon

Thanks for listening!  Leave feedback here or send email to

Hurdy gur!

Direct download: Grailwolfs_Geek_Life__Show_2.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:08pm EST

It's the first real episode!

First I talk about how to subscribe with a podcatcher.  Couldn't find a good link, but to subscribe with iTunes, just click "Advanced" then "Subscribe to Podcast" and enter the RSS url into the window that appears.  Alas, I do not have Mac directions.  Sorry. :(

Movie Reviews

  1. Lady in the Water
  2. Clerks 2
  3. and Peaceful Warrior

Movie preview: "The Descent"

TV review: the pilot for Eureka

TV preview: Who Wants to be a Superhero?

As always, let me know what you think.  Leave a comment here, send me email, or comment at my blog on

Hurdy gur!

<description><a href=""> Podshow PDN </a> {podshow-e129524383a47d3ff4c77ae5f5b06e37}</description>

Direct download: Grailwolfs_Geek_Life__Show_1.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 11:02pm EST

The premiere episode is finally here!

In this episode I test out my equipment to see what breaks.  I also talk about who I am, why I'm doing this, and what this podcast will be about.

NOTE: The technical issue has been fixed, and a new file uploaded.  If you have the bad, nasty, evil file then go ahead and download again.  This time should be mostly okay...  I hope. :)


I discuss (briefly) the BBC America series Life on Mars, Iron Man movie news, and the upcoming film My Super Ex Girlfriend.

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!


voicemail: 501-642-4863

PS: Yeah, I know... I talk waaay too fast.

Direct download: Grailwolfs_Geek_Life__Show__0_fix.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 8:01pm EST