Mon, 27 October 2008
At last, it's the Incredible Hulk geekout!
This is the same discussion that has already been run on the ADD Cast a few months ago, so if you have heard that episode, you do not need to download this episode (unless you want to hear our 15 minute intro). We start out talking about the movie (and the DVD) in totally non-spoiler mode. Then there are minor spoilers as we discuss the deleted scenes. Finally, we completely spoil the alternate opening and talk about what is hidden in the ice... The bulk of the episode is a discussion of the film recorded just after seeing it on opening day. Heather and I are joined by Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway, Thomas "Command Line" Gideon , Andrea, John Cmar, Sci-Fi Laura, Greg Wright, and the Command Line Canines. Many thanks to Thomas for opening Bit Bucket Labs to us, and letting us use his equipment (and drink his beer). Hope you enjoy the discussion. And if you want to pick up the DVD, check out the Grailwolf's Geek Store by going to and clicking on the link at the left. Then click "New On DVD" and the date October 21st, 2008. All three versions of the DVD are listed at the top of that page. Let us know what you think of the movie, and the DVD. Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Mon, 20 October 2008
We're still sick (again) but we're not going to let that stop us from
telling you about the rest of the Fall shows that we're watching.
Well... actually we will, because we forgot to talk about Life On Mars, but we give it the ol' college try. Anyway Heather and I share our opinions about these shows: Then we give a brief Grailpup update and discuss tomorrow's episode and the release of The Incredible Hulk on DVD. Send us an email ( or call the voicemail line (240-256-7525) and let us know whether you agree, disagree, or have a good recipe for chicken soup. Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Mon, 29 September 2008
Tonight I'm alone on mic (mostly) because Heather is feeling poorly. I talk about:
Mon, 15 September 2008
This episode we jump right into the new Fall season.
First up, we discuss the new HBO series True Blood including the the extra advertising that HBO has done such as the site. Very cool stuff. Next it's the season premiere of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles on Fox. Finally we geek out about the new JJ Abrams series Fringe. Then, somehow, we get into Craig Ferguson, Dollhouse, Joss Whedon, Nathan Fillion, Neil Patrick Harris, Dr. Horrible, Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, Peter S. Beagle, and The Last Unicorn. Please note that we mention that The Last Unicorn DVD is signed (and the link above is for the signed version), but all links on the Conlan Press site currently go to the unsigned version. It could be an error on the site, or it could be that Peter is not currently signing them. I'll try to figure this out and give an update later. The Pseudopod story that Heather read (and we couldn't remember) is called The Exhibition. She also has a story coming soon on the fantasy podcast Podcastle and has recently read the story Longing for Langalana for Interzone Magazine's podcast Transmissions From Beyond. Man, I really need to get a blogroll going... Oh, I also mention that Doug Rapson put up a video edition of his Geek Acres podcast. Then we have a very special announcement. Which is very special. And we announce it. Hope you like the episode. Drop us some comments (here, or at, or via voicemail at 240-256-7525) and let us know what you think. Keep an ear out for that Middleman-centric episode coming soon! Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Tue, 12 August 2008
Okay, guys, there are some weird problems with the audio in this one. It only happens about three or four times and mostly it's pretty short.
Other than that, we take a few minutes to talk about our move to Maryland and then we get into your feedback! We hear from these listeners:
Hope to talk to you again soon with a bit more planning and a more cooperative computer. Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Sun, 8 June 2008
At long last, it is part two of the mega-geekout with Tee Morris. Here we discuss the upcoming movies that we saw previewed before Iron Man. Enjoy, and hope this gets you excited for the summer of fun we have before us!
Hurdy gur, -Marc |
Sat, 7 June 2008
This episode we discuss the TV upfronts. All the shows we discuss can be found here at I'll provide individual links as the list trims down and/or more info becomes available.
We also talk about Balticon and all the wonderful folks we hung out with there. We'll be highlighting one or more person in most episodes from here out, and though we mention Paul Fischer, Martha Holloway, and Mur Lafferty, our spotlight for this episode shines on Doug Rapson from the Geek Acres podcast. Hope you enjoy the discussion! Hurdy gur, -Marc PS: We also mention, briefly, the Serenity screenings being held as a part of the Can't Stop the Serenity event. Please visit their site and support this worthy event. |
Thu, 15 May 2008
Another uber-long geekout at Imagine That Studios with Tee Morris. This time we're discussing the first big movie of the summer... Iron Man. We start with my spoiler-free review, and then go into spoilers aplenty, so be warned. We go on to talk about the trailers we saw and the movies that will be coming this summer, but that will be the next episode of the GGL.
For now, I hope you have as much fun listening to this as we had recording it.
Hurdy gur,
Tue, 29 April 2008
In this episode I discuss sick days, TV news, and an important birthday.
Too many shows mentioned for me to list them all, but we should be back to the usual shownotes next time. Or... maybe the time after that. Hurdy gur, -Marc
Direct download: GGL026_-_TV_Speculation_and_Welcome_Rowan.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 9:27pm EST |
Sat, 12 April 2008
Welcome to the grand experiment that is the first Grailwolf's Geekout. I explain in the intro, but basically these will show up every 2-4 weeks, or when there are things to geek out about. In this case, Heather and I go to Imagine That! Studios to Geek Out with Tee Morris about the first episode of the new season of Battlestar Galactica.
Yes, Virginia, there are spoilers, so please beware if you have not seen the episode. Of course, we spend so much time talking about things other than BSG that you may not have to worry all that much. Your call. Hope you enjoy the banter, and let me know what you think! Hurdy gur, -Marc PS: Yes, I am aware of two flaws in this episode. First, it's frakking huge. Second, there are some audio glitches in the intro. Well, unfortunately I'm still transitioning from the PC to the Mac, and the PC is giving me a lot of trouble when I try to record. PPS: I also want to apologize for the show going up so late (I originally promised it for Thursday night) but our Internet is only allowing sporadic access, so uploading files is a major undertaking. If this causes any other problems with the file, please let me know.
Direct download: GGL025_-_Tee_Morris_and_the_Great_Galactica_Geekout.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:52pm EST |
Wed, 9 April 2008
Some lazy shownotes tonight.
Click here for the GGL Google Calendar. In this episode I talk about the end of the HD DVD/Blu-Ray format war, some of the new DVDs that have come out lately (check the calendar), a promo for the Chasing the Bard podcast novel, and then a review of the new show New Amsterdam. And check back in a day or two for the review of the first episode of the new season of Battlestar Galactica. Hurdy gur, -Marc
Direct download: GGL024_-_New_Amsterdam_and_the_Format_War.mp3
Category:podcasts -- posted at: 10:59pm EST |
Mon, 25 February 2008
But first... Grailwolf's Geek Life now has a Google Calendar. Click here if you want to see the calendar in your browser. Click here for the XML address, and click here (or, better yet, just copy the link) for the iCal address. Then we discuss new DVD releases for this Tuesday: Slipstream Beowulf (DVD, Unrated Director's Cut, and HD DVD) 30 Days of Night (DVD and Blu-Ray) Justice League: The New Frontier Ghost Hunters: Season 3, Part 2 Highlander: The Source Promo: Podcast Junky / On The Podcast Voicemail from Choochus (COH Podcast / Into The Blender) Listener Emails (Lily Von, Jindai) Shoutout to Doug from Geek Acres Promo: Chasing The Bard Medium review by TJ Aman Enjoy, and keep the emails and voicemails coming! Hurdy gur, -Marc (NOTE: There are some persistent audio problems in this episode. They apparently occurred during recording, so there was nothing I could do about it. Sorry, but we'll try to keep it from happening next time.) |
Sun, 10 February 2008
Many apologies to T.J. and the other listeners who sent in feedback and content. There will be a listener appreciation show very soon. Promise. Hurdy gur, -Marc PS: The song Superhero is occasionally used as an outro for the Heroes podcast The 9th, not The Ninth Wonder, as I said in the podcast. My bad. :) |
Wed, 30 January 2008
On this episode I discuss Cloverfield (also see our other, more spoilery review on the ADD Cast feed). Then we have a promo for Christiana Ellis' new audio drama Space Casey. Finally, I talk about Fido and Dragon Wars on DVD. Keep checking back, because a new episode should be up really soon! Hurdy gur, Marc |